Friday, July 17, 2009

Check out this webcomic!

Curvy is an erotic and NSFW webcomic by Sylvan Migdal. The link I am posting is to the first strip of the series, since linking to the homepage would be throwing you in mid-plot, as well as mid-orgy. The link behind the name takes you to a website with the author's other work, which I'm planning to check out pretty soon, you know, at some point, (as always the depth of research I put into this blog is amazing).

The plot of Curvy involves interdimensional travel between such exotic locales as "Candy World" and "Stupid World." Earth, quite fittingly, is known as "Boring World." I also really enjoy the art style, which is very graphic and simple, but shows obvious skill and dedication - a fine balance which is rarely done so well, especially in terms of webcomics.

Despite its other obvious qualities, I must admit that what I find most intriguing about the comic is that it seems to treat a variety of different relationships all with the same amount of eroticism and acceptance. This includes, but is probably not limited to, gay, lesbian, straight, bi/pan-sexual, polyamorous, and submissive/dominant relationships, just to name a few. Although the bulk of the action is largely between two or more of the female characters, there is plenty sexy time to go around. Personally, I never understood why straight people (or for that matter, staunch homosexuals) would choose to limit their pleasure centers to one type of human. If an attractive, scantily clad being from another dimension wants to whisk me away into a fantasy world that is dominated by sex and candy, am I seriously going to let the small issue of genitalia get in the way of the fun? If somebody has delicious, living, candy-cane tentacles instead of legs, are they less of a person? I really don't think so, which is why you can imagine how thrilled I was to discover this comic.

I hope you will be too.